Love has no Borders
Pamela Oliver Muñoz |
2021 |
United States |
3:57 mins |
Love Has No Borders, by Pamela Munoz, brings us the story of a central American family fleeing an impoverished life only to find further discrimination in the US. The film uses a mixed media collage of computer animation, stop motion and card cutout in a simple yet effective representation of a migrant experience.
Love Has No Borders appeals greatly to our sense of humanity in its short and simple storytelling. Focusing on a young family in turmoil, the film showcases tender moments of love and longing between trials and tribulations of heart-breaking and soul-crushing proportions. The indictment of the US border politics and policing is clear; breaking up a family for the sake of politics is in no way right.
The character of the border guard shows hope for a better future. If his heart can be touched by the travails of this family then a humanistic politics of the border, even one of the negation of the border, may emerge.